Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I was told, by a friend, that I was strong. I was shocked. I thought to myself: ‘If this is strong, what does a weak person look like?’. So, of course, i asked her why she thought what she did. She said that with everything I’ve been through, in life, I’m still able to hold my head up high with a smile. I got to thinking, am I strong, or just a really good faker? My answer…I have no idea.
Throughout my whole life I have had to be fake. My family has always been really good at faking. Growing up we HAD to fake it to live. Life wasn’t as perfect as everyone percieved. I was told how to act around other people, otherwise, there were massive consequince. I made sure that no one knew the real family that I knew was miserable. Faking had become an art. Faking had become a lifestyle.
I have grown so much in the past 4 years, I don’t even know who that girl was back then. Do I mask my emotions now? No. Do I feel like a stronger person? Absolutely. Do I think I am strong? Hmmm…maybe that is what I need to search for this year. All I do know, is that I like the change that comes with growing up and I like who I am today, as opposed to broken girl, 4 years ago.
My goal this year is to find out how to define who I am! Am I strong, weak, funny, sad, happy, beautiful? When I get asked the question: ‘What about you do you want me to know?’ I want to be able to answer without hesitation! Change is good, and I am ready!

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