Thursday, February 25, 2010

Face to Face

I was talking to one of my best friends, Wendy, last night about why i wanted to do a blog. I have had mixed emotions, only because it basically means you can't hide behind your so called mask. I told her that i really didn't care who read this blog, that this was purely for me and me alone. I told her that it's easier for me to write down on paper, then it is to tell someone my true feelings and stories, no matter if it's written poorly, or is the most mundane topic ever. I am, for the most part, a pretty happy person. I have a "Let It Be" attitude and for the most part i just let the everyday issues slide, but i still felt like i needed an outlet. I needed a "safe place" to put my thoughts, fears, excitements, the sad times, the good times. A place where I could put my true feelings and if someone read it, then who cares.

My sisters have been wanting me to start a blog, because i live in Oklahoma and they live in Colorado and for the most part, we don't really get to talk everyday. It was a good way for them to see ME through my eyes, with no questions. So, i sent them a text saying that i am going to be diligent about my blog from now on, both were excited. Then, later that night, i asked my older sister if she had read it. She said yes AND had posted a link on her Facebook and Twitter. I had thought to myself: " Uh oh. Do i want all those strangers reading this thing? Should I even continue this journey?" I had to keep reminding myself that i had done this for me, not the random strangers who will read this, that may become friends. My end result and thought was that I can reach people with my story, not matter how horrific it is. I'm an outgoing person when it comes to someone face to face, but when it's the unknown I am beyond uncomfortable. I am ready though! Bring it on uncomfort (<==not a word, but whatever), I can't wait to see where this journey takes me!

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