Friday, February 26, 2010

The Fairy Tale

The start of a book, to me, is the start of a beautiful realtionship. You feel what the characters feel. If it's a good book, you go through their emotion, their want, their desire. You are attached. You want only the best for the characters. I always have mixed emotions about the enemy, do i want to be on their side, or do i want to hate them? I love books. They are always there with sound advice and never leave you empty handed. I always feel like i have accomplished something wonderful when finishing and knowing that the characters i fell in love with are happy. The first page of a book is the start of a beautiful relationship. The last page is a sad ending, no matter what the books ending entails.

When growing up, we are given these fairy tales, that one day we wish were at our fingertips, and instead of living in reality, we wish were were living in that Fairy Tale. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Why can't there be a story that as a moral says: "Things don't always turn out, but you will live. Don't worry, chin up, something great will happen, but you will more than likely go through hell before that happens." Instead we are fed: "Your Prince Charming will come sweep you off your feet and you will have no worries, while singing to all your 'forrest friends'" I don't want to live in a story, I want to make my own. I want that feeling of accpmlishment and satisfaction, after reading a book, to be my everyday feeling.

This is a short and VERY random blog. Just thoughts.

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