Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Excitement of the unknown

I have never liked the term "My New Years Resolution". Who follows through with that mumbo-jumbo? I don't want a resolution i want MAJOR change. I want a life change. I want to wake up without worry and be able to say: ' This is going to be a good day'. For the most part that happens already, but i want fulfillment in my life. I don't want to have to settle and follow in others footsteps. I want to lead. No I don't want a resolution, change is my future.

I want to be able to check the things I need to do of my list that has been a 'list' for a while now and just stares at me. I want to be able to tell the stories of the things I want to do and not worry about the things that I CAN NOT change. I also, want to be proud of the things that I can change and have as many 'NO REGRET' statements as possible.

I want my creativity to shine. I want people to appreciate my talent and prove my passion in LIFE. ART. & PHOTOGRAPHY. I want the feeling of accomplishment. I can't wait to see what's to come of this. I'm excited.

I want to forget about the lost relationships and not regret the ones that can't be fixed with a simple 'hello' or 'i'm sorry'. i want to make sure i make an effort to repair the ones that can be fixed with that simple 'hello' or 'i'm sorry', effort is the key to every friendship. I have already found and gained true friendships and can't wait to have more.

The hurts, the hangups, the hate, the pain, the tears won't ever be forgotten or go away. Instead of them being wide open wounds that get salt rubbed in them constantly, they have started to heal and have become easier to live with. These won't ever go away but they will become bearable.

The love of family and friends.

The beauty in the small things.

Laughter makes the heart happier and i plan on a lot of it!

Becoming a closer family circle.

A new year, brings new beginnings. All of this is in my head, plus a million other things. I can’t wait for what’s to come in 2010! Excitement rings in my head, excitement of the unknown. CHANGE.

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