Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A dream is a wish your heart makes....

I am, without a doubt, the happiest I have ever been. It has been a long road to get here, no doubt about that, but I can honestly say that each year I am away from the most negative thing in my life, I feel like a new and amazingly happy person! If someone had told me 6 years ago where I would be today, I probably would have told them that they were off their rocker. I am loving everything about my life. I'm in love with who I am becoming and I am learning more and more about who I am. Don't you just love that about life? The more you grow as a person and the further you throw the things that take a toll on you out of your life, the happier you become. Love...

As happy as I am right now, I am certainly confused with a few things. Mainly things that I wish would have been or things that I wish I could say, but am too afraid. Last night I had one of those dreams...the ones where when you wake up you have to think for a second, just to make sure it wasn't real. This dream made me so confused and wanting something to change, but my fear is stopping that. I can remember every detail, every color and the conversation that I had. A conversation that should have happened in real life, but it just hasn't. When I woke up I thought it was strange, because I don't normally remember my dreams, which is why I'm confused. I asked Wendy and she said what she has always believed dreams to be: "...the vivid ones, and the ones that follow a logical path and you remember well are messages... from other people you're especially connected to or from the "universe" if it's something you need to know."
So, what should I do. I have never questioned a dream like this before, so why now? Why do I think that this is some sort of sign? Maybe it's because it was so vivid, the colors so crisp, the conversation so real, maybe it's because I am hoping for it to be real, when in all actuality, that time has passed...or has it. Something to think about.

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