Thursday, December 30, 2010


Why do you hate the good people in the world?
I feel like the world caters to the bad and mocks the good.
I want to punch you in the face right now!
I just want things to go right.
I am not going to lose to you, because if that happens, happiness won't exist!

Sorry for the downer post, but it needed to be said!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A dream is a wish your heart makes....

I am, without a doubt, the happiest I have ever been. It has been a long road to get here, no doubt about that, but I can honestly say that each year I am away from the most negative thing in my life, I feel like a new and amazingly happy person! If someone had told me 6 years ago where I would be today, I probably would have told them that they were off their rocker. I am loving everything about my life. I'm in love with who I am becoming and I am learning more and more about who I am. Don't you just love that about life? The more you grow as a person and the further you throw the things that take a toll on you out of your life, the happier you become. Love...

As happy as I am right now, I am certainly confused with a few things. Mainly things that I wish would have been or things that I wish I could say, but am too afraid. Last night I had one of those dreams...the ones where when you wake up you have to think for a second, just to make sure it wasn't real. This dream made me so confused and wanting something to change, but my fear is stopping that. I can remember every detail, every color and the conversation that I had. A conversation that should have happened in real life, but it just hasn't. When I woke up I thought it was strange, because I don't normally remember my dreams, which is why I'm confused. I asked Wendy and she said what she has always believed dreams to be: "...the vivid ones, and the ones that follow a logical path and you remember well are messages... from other people you're especially connected to or from the "universe" if it's something you need to know."
So, what should I do. I have never questioned a dream like this before, so why now? Why do I think that this is some sort of sign? Maybe it's because it was so vivid, the colors so crisp, the conversation so real, maybe it's because I am hoping for it to be real, when in all actuality, that time has passed...or has it. Something to think about.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let it snow, Let it snow. Let it snow....

This is how our day started. I was walking Lila to Ballet and we were trudging through slush and walking with our umbrellas because of the freezing rain!

This is about an hour after lunch and the snow still kept falling...

...around 5 pm....

The backyard after it had snowed for about 6 hours straight...

One of my favorite things...snow and ice on tree limbs. So pretty!

This car wasn't stuck, but the news had reported that a bunch of people were having to sleep in their cars, because the roads were so bad...still makes for beautiful pictures:)

There you have it...the freak snow storm of 2010 for Paris. Apparently, this weather is usually a January/February kind of thing. I love that I was here for that, however, it's freezing and I am so ready for the summer. I will be counting down the days! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Life is a good job to have...

Why don't I post more pictures on this blog...I should really work on that! I have also found that I am terrible at keeping in contact with the people who mean the most to me! But, alas, the world will not end. One day I will be good at both of those day! :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

My forever friend...

You know those really amazing people in your life, where time that has passed doesn't matter and you can have a cup of coffee and it seems, that really, time just made your relationship that much stronger? I feel like I have a lot of those relationships and I am so thankful for each and every one of them. I have found another one of those amazing 'friendships', have you met France? I feel like I was made for this country. I love everything about it, the open minds that people have. The way the women don't really give a shit about the guy who whistles and hollers at her. I know this is crazy, but I really like the Metro system. I love that you can walk wherever you need to go. I love that each different country in Europe has it's own culture and something new and exciting to offer. Yes, Paris will always have my heart, but Europe, I think we will be Forever Friends.