Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I am hating on hate right now

I feel (like many others at this time) that I am compelled to say what I'm feeling about the bullying and hate that is going on around the world. I recently saw the commercial and of course loved the message that it was giving. I immediately became a fan of the page on facebook, because of 2 reasons. 1. I wanted to see more of what this movement was doing and 2. I love anything that has to do with the support of ANYONE who is not being treated correctly! Yes, the whole no bullying rally is mainly for homosexuals, but let's be real here. It happens to a lot of others as well, to me this is the saddest thing. When is it going to stop? The only thing I hate right now is discrimination, of any kind. There always has to be something, doesn't there? First issue was the color of skin, and now people can't love who they want or they become the outcast, get beat up and then decide to end their lives. I see this as a reoccurring pattern. What happens when homosexuals don't take this shit anymore? What happens when this movement wins? Then who will they (whoever they might be) decide is the weaker party to completely bring down, humiliate and say that "something just isn't right with them". Hate is completely destroying PEOPLE! Yes, people, not an animal or your effing goldfish, but GOOD PEOPLE who never did anything to deserve such blatant slander. It's BULLSHIT!!

In a lot (not all, but a lot) of the posts saying that someone deserved bullying, I have found one common denominator, the writer said that he or she was a christian. They were saying that the way of life for a homosexual is a sin and that they deserve what they got, because god wouldn't like, excuse me? Wasn't Jesus the one who said "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone"?? Last I checked NO ONE is better than another, whether you are a heterosexual, homosexual, blue, green, or purple, GOD LOVES ALL. No one has the right to say that he or she is doing something THEY think is wrong, isn't it up to God to decide our fate? If being a christian is what you truly believe why are you "casting the first stone"? I am going to be honest here, I have never been more ashamed to say that I am a so called "Christian" than as of right now. Yes, I do believe in God. Yes, I believe in Heaven and Hell. No, I don't need you to preach to me about how wrong you think I am, or how "God told you to tell me ______", because I don't care what you think. One of the main reasons things like this get out of control is because of radicals who have the holier than thou attitude. They believe that they are the ones who are going to change minds, ways of thinking and living. However, Christians aren't showing God's Love in anyway what-so-ever, they are demonstrating more hate towards people, because they think they should go to hell! How is this okay?

I think the people of say it best when they ask people on the streets "When did you become straight?"
and every person replied the same: "I didn't I was born that way". They then asked if that thought process could be the same for homosexuals, and again every person answered: "Probably, but I've never thought of it that way." Sorry for the rants, but I just needed to speak up about this, because not only do I have an awesome brother who is gay, but I also have AMAZING friends who are gay or lesbian and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!!

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