Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have been walking everywhere and my feet are taking all the slack! Ouchie!!!!!! Oh well, the things i'm seeing is worth it, for sure!

This view alone is worth it! :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my life in far!

The Eiffel Tower of course!

This is the pathway I take to town everyday!

This is Lila, she's 4!

This is Anouchka, she is 6!

These are the 2 sweet girls I au pair for! Lila and Anouchka! They have such big hearts and are so sweet!

I'm loving every part of this experience! I miss everyone back home, but I still love my life here!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Today, I am 24. Today, I feel beautiful. Today, I feel free.
Today, I don't feel like a broken piece of art,
but a profound art piece that no one wants to pass up.
Today, even though I'm more than 5,000 miles away from my
amazing friends and family, I still feel loved. Today, I am happy. Today, I am
content with my life. Today, I was finally me.

Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow brings even more freedom.
Tomorrow isn't a scary thought anymore, but an exciting adventure.
I'm free. I'm happy.
I'm no longer a prisoner of fear, instead, I knock on it's door and say:
"Fuck You"
I'm loving me and who I'm becoming, more and more each day.
I am:
Free Spirit.
Lover not a Fighter.
Free Bird.
Jesus Lover.
Religion Hater.
I have room to grow, and I am not afraid.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I went to St. Michel today to meet some friends. While I was waiting I met this man and he was so kind. He started the conversation by saying his friend was late and asked where I was from. This gives me hope in meeting new people!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Crazy drivers!

AHHH!!! It has been a whirlwind week! So much learning and so much fun all at the same time! I am IN LOVE with the city called Garches, that's were i'm living and it's seriously like a movie. I can't decide if it's more like Diana's house in Anne of Green Gables, or a scene out of The Secret Garden, maybe a little of both. :) Either way, it's beautiful and I have no complaints!
I decided to go into Paris yesterday and in doing so, meant i also had to take the train and metro by myself! I was nervous, but decided that if I didn't overcome that fear it would just take me longer to do it, so I 'ripped it off like a band-aid' and just jumped in! I did it and I did a damn good job too! The only thing i did wrong was wear the wrong shoes...ow ow ow! My feet have never had more blisters and I'm definitely sorry for picking 'cuteness' over 'comfort'! Never again! Let's see...oh I was crossing the street and my living in Paris dream almost came to a stop when I almost got hit by a car! I just laughed it of (maybe because I was nervous), but I will FOR SURE be more careful the next time! :)

Here are some photo's of my adventure! :)


This is the definition of pure happiness! Nothing to worry about. No stress about a deadline. Not having to look over your shoulder, for once there is no worry and just happiness. I just can't get enough of it and I'm ready for more! It has been a whirlwind week! So much learning and so much fun all at the same time! I am IN LOVE with the city called Garches, that's were i'm living and it's seriously like a movie. I can't decide if it's more like Diana's house in Anne of Green Gables, or a scene out of The Secret Garden, maybe a little of both. :) Either way, it's beautiful and I have no complaints!
I decided to go into Paris yesterday and in doing so, meant i also had to take the train and metro by myself! I was nervous, but decided that if I didn't overcome that fear it would just take me longer to do it, so I 'ripped it off like a band-aid' and just jumped in! I did it and I did a damn good job too! The only thing i did wrong was wear the wrong shoes...ow ow ow! My feet have never had more blisters and I'm definitely sorry for picking 'cuteness' over 'comfort'! Never again! Let's see...oh I was crossing the street and my living in Paris dream almost came to a stop when I almost got hit by a car! I just laughed it of (maybe because I was nervous), but I will FOR SURE be more careful the next time! :)