Thursday, March 31, 2011

Did you say it?

Have you ever had a million thoughts at one time. It's hard to write a blog when that happens, or think about one thing honestly. They aren't bad or good, just thinking about everything. Can I get an easy button, please? So, just fair warning, this is another very RANDOM blog.

I'm moving forward with my life. I have been taking the negative out and making sure I'm surrounded by positives (could I sound like more of a hippy). I deleted 50+ people on facebook and I'm thinking about just getting rid of the whole and letters are better anyway. The people that I deleted never cared about me and I honestly don't know why I was "friends" with them on there anyway. Why do I hold onto things that never where? It's silly really, those people were terrible to me, but I held on. I thought that if they were to see how great my life was, they would want to say sorry. I don't think they know how bad they were though, so I hit that delete button and it felt great to be done with that stage of my life. It was freeing.

I'm not dating. I know, I know, I have said that before and failed everytime. BUT when I failed I dated the same person that I was trying to get away from. So, I'm not dating. When I start to date again, be sure to remind me to stay clear of the needy, corset types that are jealous, but are the cheaters themselves. Don't need that, don't want that, and it's messing with my "Let it be" attitude. :)

I'm going to be 25 soon! AHHHH! That wasn't a mid-midlife crises yell, that was an "OMG I CAN'T WAIT", yell! I really am excited! I have done so much with my life so far and I can't wait to see what happens next....I'm I know it will be full and exciting! I can't wait to see what happens in the next 25 years, honestly I really don't care as long as I have my besties by my side, life will be grand!

I am happy and not just in writing, I am actually happy. I'm loving my new take on life and excited for what's to come. I know the next chapter is going to be a scary road, but I also know that it will be beautiful too. Being in Paris has made me realize that life is about what you make it, not what was given to you. I heard this quote and I want to make sure to live by it for the rest of my life, making sure the people I love, know.

"Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to let you go. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan, set a goal, work towards it. And every now and then look around, drink it in, cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow."

So, I'm working towards making sure the people that I love, know it when I'm gone. I warned you, this blog is all over the place.:) xxxx